56 Automated green house status monitoring and control system
57 Automatic railway gate control using microcontroller
58 Automatic vehicle over speed controlling system for school and college zone
59 Boiler automation of Temperature, Water level monitoring & Control System Using PLC
60 Brushless DC motor control using PLC
61 Design and Application of Auto-constant Water Supply System
62 Design and development of an automatic small-scale house For teaching domestics
63 A Wearable Inductor Channel Design for Blood Pressure Monitoring System in Daily Life
64 Fire exposure and automatic indication system using plc
65 Improvement of Zigbee mobile router for supporting network mobility in healthcare classification
65 Low voltage motor protection & control – industrial Process applications
67 Home appliances control & status indication through alarm
68 Intelligent agricultural system with weather monitoring
69 Microcontroller based power transformer Testing using wireless communication
70 Wireless remote motor starter with acknowledgement using solar energy for agricultural Application
71 SCADA based industrial fluid parameter monitoring and control system
72 Low voltage motor protection & control – industrial Process applications
73 ICU care taker –life support system using RF with BP& heart beat monitoring
74 Microcontroller based aeronautical crash prevention system through RF communication
75 SCADA implementation for power generator performance and condition monitoring system
76 Power plant scrutinizing system using SCADA
77 A Low-cost Microcontroller-based Wireless ECG-Blood Pressure Tele monitor for Home Care
78 Two Legged Robot Design , Simulation and Realization
79 SCADA system for turbine speed control and management in power plants
80 LabVIEW-base automatic rising and falling Speed control of stepper motor
81 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System for Power Distribution systems
82 The Research and Design Of The Belt Grinder Which Based On PLC
83 Unmanned automated car parking for parking area using sensors with PLC
84 Vehicle safety system with fuel and alcohol detection and indication
85 Wireless Measurement and Control System for Environmental Parameters in Greenhouse
86 PLC-Based Measurement of Electrical Data in Photovoltaic Energy Systems
87 “Smart House” and “Smart-Energy” Applications of Low-Power RFID-based Wireless Sensors
88 Design and Implementation of Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System
57 Automatic railway gate control using microcontroller
58 Automatic vehicle over speed controlling system for school and college zone
59 Boiler automation of Temperature, Water level monitoring & Control System Using PLC
60 Brushless DC motor control using PLC
61 Design and Application of Auto-constant Water Supply System
62 Design and development of an automatic small-scale house For teaching domestics
63 A Wearable Inductor Channel Design for Blood Pressure Monitoring System in Daily Life
64 Fire exposure and automatic indication system using plc
65 Improvement of Zigbee mobile router for supporting network mobility in healthcare classification
65 Low voltage motor protection & control – industrial Process applications
67 Home appliances control & status indication through alarm
68 Intelligent agricultural system with weather monitoring
69 Microcontroller based power transformer Testing using wireless communication
70 Wireless remote motor starter with acknowledgement using solar energy for agricultural Application
71 SCADA based industrial fluid parameter monitoring and control system
72 Low voltage motor protection & control – industrial Process applications
73 ICU care taker –life support system using RF with BP& heart beat monitoring
74 Microcontroller based aeronautical crash prevention system through RF communication
75 SCADA implementation for power generator performance and condition monitoring system
76 Power plant scrutinizing system using SCADA
77 A Low-cost Microcontroller-based Wireless ECG-Blood Pressure Tele monitor for Home Care
78 Two Legged Robot Design , Simulation and Realization
79 SCADA system for turbine speed control and management in power plants
80 LabVIEW-base automatic rising and falling Speed control of stepper motor
81 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System for Power Distribution systems
82 The Research and Design Of The Belt Grinder Which Based On PLC
83 Unmanned automated car parking for parking area using sensors with PLC
84 Vehicle safety system with fuel and alcohol detection and indication
85 Wireless Measurement and Control System for Environmental Parameters in Greenhouse
86 PLC-Based Measurement of Electrical Data in Photovoltaic Energy Systems
87 “Smart House” and “Smart-Energy” Applications of Low-Power RFID-based Wireless Sensors
88 Design and Implementation of Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System