IEEE 2009 Embedded System Projects Titles

151    The Integration of Embedded Technology and Mobile Data Stream Processing for Biological Parametric Analysis and Intimation System
152    An Implementation of Reversing radar system based on CAN bus
153    Artificial Vision System for the Blind using Ultra Sonic Wave transmission reception techniques.
154    Networking and Inter Networking with Microcontroller Interface for on Protocol Implementation of Robotic Control.
155    A design of a prototypic Hand-Talk: Assistive Technology for the Dumb
156    Design and Implementation of Voice based electrical appliances Control for Industrial Automation with high security.

157    Advanced Roll Solidity Control for Heavy Motor Trucks using CAN and MEMS Sensors
158    Application and Accomplishment of CAN Bus Technology in Industry Real Time Data Communication Systems
159    Design and prototype Implementation of Multi storage Vehicle car parking system using Infrared with PIC Microcontroller.
160    WAITER: A Wearable Personal Healthcare and Emergency Aid System
161    Technology development and implementation for power distribution automation system
162    A Scalable and Efficient Approach for Obtaining Measurements in CAN-Based Control System
163    An Black Box Alert System for Crash Recovery and Prediction using MEMS
164    A Prototype for Multi-Voice Independent Speech Recognition Synthesizer for Visually Challenged People
165    An advanced Embedded Mobile Web Server for Aged People Monitoring and parameter back reception using GSM technologies
166    A CAN based Distributed Control System for Autonomous All-Terrain Vehicle(ATV)
167    Real-time distributed control system for navigating Omni directional soccer robot
168    Verification of On-Line Vehicle Collision Avoidance Warning System using DSRC
169    Pre-Determination of Land Sliding and Vibration Detection using Wireless Active Sensor Networks for Tunnel Passage Transportation
170    Break-Out-Box Design Implementation for the transmission of Synchronous CAN Data Streams for Motion Control in Automobiles
171    Advanced Finger Print Recognition Criminal Identification System for Inter-connected Highway Patrol using WAN
172    Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C Bus) Protocol Implementation of Real Time Clock and 1-Wire Digital Technologies
173    Develop a Multiple Interface Based Fire Fighting Robot
174    Development of Zigbee based Street Light Control System using I2C RTC protocols
175    A High Speed, Low-cost and Secure Implementation Based on Embedded Ethernet for SCADA System