66 VLSI architectures of perceptual based video watermarking for real-time copyright protection
67 Research on Image Median Filtering Algorithm and Its FPGA Implementation
68 FPGA Implementation of Wavelet Transform Based on Lifting Scheme
69 Real-time binary shape matching system based on FPGA
70 Implementation of simplified architecture of JPEG 2000 MQ Coder
71 On Line Wavelets Transform on a Xilinx FPGA Circuit to Medical Images Compression
72 Design of video compression system based on DSP-FPGA
73 High throughput one dimensional median and weighted median filters on FPGA
74 A high performance reconfigurable Motion Estimation hardware architecture
75 Real-time invariant textural object recognition with FPGAs
76 FPGA-based implementation of a low cost and area real-time motion detection
77 Embedded a low area 32-bit AES for image encryption/decryption application
78 Throughput Efficient Parallel Implementation of SPIHT Algorithm
79 Research on Aerial CCD Images Compression with JPEG2000
80 Medical Image Fusion Based on an Improved Wavelet Coefficient Contrast
81 A Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Video Segmentation Utilizing Memory Reduction Techniques
82 Designing of VGA Character String Display Module Based on FPGA
83 Low Power and Area Efficient Image Segmentation VLSI Architecture Using 2-Dimensional Pixel-Block Scanning
84 FPGA Implementation of the Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm for Image Demosaicking
85 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulator &Demodulator for Wireless Modem
86 FPGA Implementation of Feed-Forward Neural Networks for Smart Devices Development
87 Broadband Receiver Design on FPGA
88 Embedded System with uClinux Based on FPGA
89 FPGA Hardware Architecture of the Steganographic ConText Technique
90 A Reliable FPGA-based Real-time Optical-flow Estimation
91 VLSI architectures of perceptual based video watermarking for real-time copyright protection
92 An Efficient Hardware Architecture for Multimedia Encryption and Authentication using the Discrete Wavelet Transform
93 Novel Hardware Implementation of Adaptive Median Filters
94 FPGA based remote integrated security system based WAP(wireless application protocol)
95 FPGA based design and verification of image segmentation for medical systems and data processing
96 RF based Energy Conservation in Automobile Traffic and Transportation using FPGA
97 FPGA based System for Enhancing Medication Safety and Healthcare for Inpatients Using RFID
98 FPGA based Performance Analyser for Distribution System using Zigbee
99 Finger Print Based Authentication and Controlling System of Devices using FPGA
100 Implementation of Tsunami Alert System using FPGA
101 RF Based Railway Bridge Damage Notification with Alert using FPGA
102 An efficient VLSI implementation of intelligent Airport Security System for secure Trespassing Using Advanced RFID Techniques
103 An RFID Based Solution for Real-Time Patient Surveillance and data Processing Bio-Metric System using FPGA
104 A hybrid FPGA system design for Automatic life Rescue device using Global System for Mobile communication
105 An efficient FPGA implementation of secure cryptographic technique using Wireless Body Area Network.
106 Implementation of Radio Wave Geographic Navigation System in FPGA using GSM Network
107 Implementation of HOG algorithm for Real Time Object Recognition Applications on FPGA based Embedded System
67 Research on Image Median Filtering Algorithm and Its FPGA Implementation
68 FPGA Implementation of Wavelet Transform Based on Lifting Scheme
69 Real-time binary shape matching system based on FPGA
70 Implementation of simplified architecture of JPEG 2000 MQ Coder
71 On Line Wavelets Transform on a Xilinx FPGA Circuit to Medical Images Compression
72 Design of video compression system based on DSP-FPGA
73 High throughput one dimensional median and weighted median filters on FPGA
74 A high performance reconfigurable Motion Estimation hardware architecture
75 Real-time invariant textural object recognition with FPGAs
76 FPGA-based implementation of a low cost and area real-time motion detection
77 Embedded a low area 32-bit AES for image encryption/decryption application
78 Throughput Efficient Parallel Implementation of SPIHT Algorithm
79 Research on Aerial CCD Images Compression with JPEG2000
80 Medical Image Fusion Based on an Improved Wavelet Coefficient Contrast
81 A Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Video Segmentation Utilizing Memory Reduction Techniques
82 Designing of VGA Character String Display Module Based on FPGA
83 Low Power and Area Efficient Image Segmentation VLSI Architecture Using 2-Dimensional Pixel-Block Scanning
84 FPGA Implementation of the Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm for Image Demosaicking
85 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulator &Demodulator for Wireless Modem
86 FPGA Implementation of Feed-Forward Neural Networks for Smart Devices Development
87 Broadband Receiver Design on FPGA
88 Embedded System with uClinux Based on FPGA
89 FPGA Hardware Architecture of the Steganographic ConText Technique
90 A Reliable FPGA-based Real-time Optical-flow Estimation
91 VLSI architectures of perceptual based video watermarking for real-time copyright protection
92 An Efficient Hardware Architecture for Multimedia Encryption and Authentication using the Discrete Wavelet Transform
93 Novel Hardware Implementation of Adaptive Median Filters
94 FPGA based remote integrated security system based WAP(wireless application protocol)
95 FPGA based design and verification of image segmentation for medical systems and data processing
96 RF based Energy Conservation in Automobile Traffic and Transportation using FPGA
97 FPGA based System for Enhancing Medication Safety and Healthcare for Inpatients Using RFID
98 FPGA based Performance Analyser for Distribution System using Zigbee
99 Finger Print Based Authentication and Controlling System of Devices using FPGA
100 Implementation of Tsunami Alert System using FPGA
101 RF Based Railway Bridge Damage Notification with Alert using FPGA
102 An efficient VLSI implementation of intelligent Airport Security System for secure Trespassing Using Advanced RFID Techniques
103 An RFID Based Solution for Real-Time Patient Surveillance and data Processing Bio-Metric System using FPGA
104 A hybrid FPGA system design for Automatic life Rescue device using Global System for Mobile communication
105 An efficient FPGA implementation of secure cryptographic technique using Wireless Body Area Network.
106 Implementation of Radio Wave Geographic Navigation System in FPGA using GSM Network
107 Implementation of HOG algorithm for Real Time Object Recognition Applications on FPGA based Embedded System