251 Power Monitoring and Switching control designs using Labview
252 Labview based Authentication and Tracking System using Embedded RFID Designs
253 Rash Driving and GPS based locating Systems in labview
254 A Design Porting of UCOS-II Kernel in ARM Powered Microcontrollers for the implementation of Multi-tasking and Time Scheduling
255 A Dynamic Time Slice Setup on Multi-thread Priority Application Task Design Framework Of UCOS-II
256 Simulated Implementation of a PID controller for Virtual Instrumentation process control in Labview
257 A Virtual Realization of I2C Peripherals and ARM Powered Controllers Interfacing by overlaying UCOS-II Kernel
258 An advanced Vehicle dash board design using Labview
259 A Real time Industrial Parameter graphical plotting and Task Scheduling using ARM Powered LPC2148 and UCOS-II Kernel
260 Speech Recognition for Mobile Robot Implemented on AT89s51/PIC16f877
261 RF Controlled LandMine Deecting Robot Used in War Fields
262 Robot Teleoperation based on GPRS
263 Controls Wheel Chair For Disabled Person Usin Robot
252 Labview based Authentication and Tracking System using Embedded RFID Designs
253 Rash Driving and GPS based locating Systems in labview
254 A Design Porting of UCOS-II Kernel in ARM Powered Microcontrollers for the implementation of Multi-tasking and Time Scheduling
255 A Dynamic Time Slice Setup on Multi-thread Priority Application Task Design Framework Of UCOS-II
256 Simulated Implementation of a PID controller for Virtual Instrumentation process control in Labview
257 A Virtual Realization of I2C Peripherals and ARM Powered Controllers Interfacing by overlaying UCOS-II Kernel
258 An advanced Vehicle dash board design using Labview
259 A Real time Industrial Parameter graphical plotting and Task Scheduling using ARM Powered LPC2148 and UCOS-II Kernel
260 Speech Recognition for Mobile Robot Implemented on AT89s51/PIC16f877
261 RF Controlled LandMine Deecting Robot Used in War Fields
262 Robot Teleoperation based on GPRS
263 Controls Wheel Chair For Disabled Person Usin Robot