IEEE2009 .NET Projects titles

26    Selection of Web Services with Imprecise QoS Constraints
27    Exploiting WSRF and WSRF.NET for Remote Job Execution in Grid Environments
28    Research and Design on ERP system Supply Chain Management
29    Interactive Multimedia for Adaptive Online Education
30    RFID-Based Jewellery Inventory Management System
31    Reliable QoS Monitoring Based on Client Feedback

32    Finger Print Based Authentication and Controlling System Of Devices
33    RFID Based Toll Gate System
34    TEB A Template-based E-Commence Website Builder for SMEs
35    Real Time Implementation of Library Management and Survey Counting System using RFID and GSM Technology
36    A RFID-enabled Event Management System
37    A regression-based predictive model of student attendance by implementing Wireless Technology
38    Ability Assessment based on CAT in Adaptive Learning System
39    Design and Implementation of Self-Help Web Based Course
40    Market-Based Resource Allocation for Content Delivery in the Internet
41    Security Analysis of Two Password Authentication Schemes
42    The Electronic Passport and The Future Government – Issued RFID-Based Identification
43    An Extensible Development Platform for SOA-Based E-Learning System
44    Development of the Decision Support System for Software Project Cost Estimation
45    Applying a component behavior model to MVC pattern
46    Automatic Travel Acknowledgement Receipt Generation System sing Active RFID
47    Developing GIS Software with Component Technique
48    A Dynamic E-commerce System Based on Middleware Technology
49    System Design and Implementation of a RFID-based Exercise Information
50    A Domain Engineering Approach for the Development of Tendering E-Marketplace Applications
51    Establishment of Containers Management System Based on RFID Technology
52    Smart Parking Applications Using RFID Technology
53    Dynamic Composition of Service-Oriented Web User Interfaces
54    Research on the Autonomous Learning System Based on Ontology Model
55    RFID-enabled Operation Management System in Logistics/Warehouse
56    RFID Based Shopping Cart
57    A Design and Implementation of Data Access Control in Digital Campus System Using the RBAC Method
58    Rights Management for Role-Based Access Control
59    Role Based Reengineering Of Web Applications
60    Role Based Cross-Project Collaboration in Multiple Distributed Software Design Projects
61    Intelligent Heart Disease Prediction System Using Data mining Techniques
62    A Novel Wavelet Medical Image Fusion Method
63    An Improved Method of Content Based Image Watermarking
64    Micro calcification Detection Using Wavelet Transform
65    Digital Image Watermarking in the Wavelet Transform Domain
66    A PDA Phone that will take care of your health
67    PDA based Point-of-care Personal Diabetes Management System
68    PDA-based Restaurant Management System