IEEE 2008 Embedded System Projects Titles

Tri-Axis Motion Detection using MEMS for Unwired Mouse Navigation System in the Future Generation Machines
A Correlative Resource Management Technique for positioning and Plotting over a Local Authorized Network using Low Power Zigbee Multipoint Modules
File Transfer between Data Communication Equipment Using Zigbee Networks.
A Personal Identification Methodology for Automobile Precautions and Number Plate Recognition using Radio ID Transmissions.
Zigbee Wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System

Smar(T)rash: An Optimized trash collection techniques using advanced Zigbee Mesh networking Systems
Design and Implementation of a multiplex parking system and toll collection based on time management techniques for Identifying the Parking Violation
Speaking Monuments-Design and Implementation of an RFID based Blind Friendly Environments
Real Time Implementation of Mivo- RFID based mobile payment system
A Blueprint Design for Elephant Incursion Prevention over Railway Lines through Fuzzy controlled Pressure Sensor and Active Radio Networks
The Electronic Passport and The Future Government-Issued RFID-Based Identification
Underground Wireless Communications for Monitoring of Drag Anchor Embedment Parameters: A Feasibility Study
Multi Channel Analog Capacitive Touch Screen Sensing and Control for Industrial Robotic Realization Environments
The Design Portal of a Wireless Linked Naval Substation for International Boundary Scanning and Surveillance System

An Automated Implementation of greenhouse Monitoring System using xbee Wireless Sensor Network

An internal Location-Based System for Mobile Devices Using RFID.

A Proposal for Design of Hybrid Multi-Functional Implantable Biochip Using Bio-Intelligent Expert System.
Operator interface for direction and speed control using an intelligent robot based on voice detection System.
RFID Tags for Tracking Patients Charts and Medical Equipment Within an Integrated Health Delivery Network

Prototype of Wireless based Railway Station Indication and Coach Status Information System.

Enhancing Medication Safety and Healthcare for Inpatients Using RFID

Self-Authorization techniques for Land Mine Safety Designs using Low-Power Tamper Free Sensor Networks

A Proposal for Prime Time Optimal Road Routing in Automobile Traffic and Transportation with Advanced Radio Wave Data Streaming

Automated System for Surgical Instruments and Spongy Tracking

Design of wireless network using Radio Frequency Navigation focusing the modernization of real world technology for the physically challenged people.

Building a Remote Supervisory Control Network System for Smart Home applications using Zigbee.

A regression-based predictive model of student attendance by implementing Wireless Technology.

A design of unmanned alerting system for road traffic management through wireless networking techniques.

Wireless Based Railway Bridge Damage Notification with Alarm Systems.

A boundary scan methodology through embedded web servers and Mobile RFID Tracking System for the surveillance and mapping of motion subjects

The Design of Structural Substantial Multi-Stage Weapon Sharing and Authenticated Defense Protocol System using Encrypted Radio Transmissions

Consumer Application Prototypic Realization of Superstore Trolley Cart Display and Wireless Point Of Sale Equipment using advanced Embedded Systems

Multi-purpose alive radiation detection robot in LOS Environment using tunable PIR sensors.

Implementation of a decentralized control algorithm embedded within a wireless active sensor

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Implementation for Control of Devices Using RF Technology.

Applicability of Zigbee to condition monitoring of electric motors

Optimal Integrated Operation Strategy for Highway Toll collection System With Wireless Technology and Dynamic Toll Allocation System

The science of secrecy with hiding techniques for vignere cipher text algorithm using Zigbee Technology

Real Time Passenger Information System (RTPIS) Using Zigbee Technology.

Design and Development of a Wireless Remote Point-of-Care Patient Monitoring System

Wireless Radio Frequency based Intelligent Traffic System for Emergency vehicle and optimal routing for conventional vehicles

Voter Credentials System Using RF-ID Technique.

An Intensive Proposal for Half Duplex Multi-Layer Encrypted Wireless Communication System in Defense Shadowing Designs

A 3-channel analog capacitive Touch Screen sensitive design for optimal Wireless Mouse Movement

An RFID based Solution for Real Time Patient Surveillance and data Processing Bio-Metric System

Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phone Remote Control for PC

A Blind Curve Head-On Impact Forestalling System using Adaptive Cruise Cornering Control Mechanism and Wireless Navigation Setup.

An Airport Security System for a hierarchical trespassing using advanced RFID techniques.

PC based Automated Manual Guided Vehicles Using Wireless Technology.

A RFID-based Material Tracking Information System
A Prototypic Implementation of Sustainable Drainage System for Clearance and Level Monitoring through Intelligent Zigbee Mesh Networks