IEEE 2009 Embedded System Projects Titles

27           Energy Harvesting Embedded Wireless Sensor System for Building Environment Applications
28           Providing Group Tour Guide by RFIDs and Wireless Sensor Networks
29           Activity Monitoring System using Dynamic Time Warping for the Elderly and Disabled Persons.
30           A wireless design of low-cost irrigation system using Zigbee technology
31           An RFID-based System for Emergency Health Care Services (SIMOPAC)

32           Application of an Embedded System for the Car-Like Mobile Robot
33           High Performance Overdrive using Improved Motion Adaptive Codec in LCD
34           Implementation of Obstacle avoidance and Zigbee Control functions for Omni Directional Robot
35           A Wireless Data Acquisition and Transmission System Design
36           E-Voting System Security Optimization
37           Research on Embedded Data Display Unit Based on CAN Bus
38           A New Omni-vision Based Self-localization Method for Soccer Robot
39           Designing and Implementing an Intelligent Bluetooth-Enabled Robot Car
40           Evaluation and Modeling of user Performance for Pointing and Scrolling Tasks on Handheld                                                                    Devices Using Tilt Sensor
41           A Low-cost Extendable Framework for Embedded Smart Car Security System
42           An On-line Monitoring System of Temperature of Conductors' and Fittings Based on GSM SMS and Zigbee
43           The application of a wireless application protocol in Petrochemical Industry Field
44           Global System for Location and Guidance of Disabled People: Indoor and Outdoor technologies integration
45           An Internet-Based Interactive Embedded Data-Acquisition System for Real-Time Applications
46           Travel time prediction under heterogeneous traffic conditions using global positioning system data from buses
47           Design of Sight Spot Ticket Management System Based on RFID
48           A Smart Car Control Model for Brake Comfort Based on Car Following
49           Enhancing User Experience at Museums using Smart Phones with RFID
Remote garage:Bluetooth|RFiD|iButton|IEEE802.15.4
50           Tri-Axis Motion Detection using MEMS for Unwired Mouse Navigation System in the Future Generation Machines