IEEE 2005-2006 Power Electronics Titles

100    Design of a Single-Phase Rectifier with Improved Power Factor and Low THD using Boost Converter Technique
101    A Fast Transient-Current Control Strategy in Sensorless Vector-Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
102    Modeling and simulation of ac–dc buck-boost converter fed dc motor with uniform PWM technique
103    A Novel Single Stage AC–DC Self-Oscillating Series-Parallel Resonant Converter
104    Single-phase AC/DC/AC converter based on capacitor clamped topology

105    Fly boost Power Factor Correction Cell and a New Family of Single-Stage AC/DC Converters
106    Generalized Predictive Controller for a Boost AC to DC Converter Fed DC Motor
107    Speed Drive Based on Torque-Slip Characteristic of the Single Phase Induction Motor
108    A Distributed Parameter Thermal Model for Induction Motors
109    Analyzing the Optimal Matching of DC Motors to Photovoltaic Modules via DC-DC converters –